Editor's review
QVCS-Enterprise is an affordable version control system. It matches more expensive products in features useful to small, distributed teams, and is easy to use and administer. It includes an easy to use GUI, and a custom Ant task to support scripting.
Pros: The QVCS product family supplies version control system features similar to many other version control products on the market. The single most obvious feature that distinguishes the QVCS product family from its many commercial competitors is its low price. The products are easy to use, and may not require a separate administrator. QVCS and QVCS-Pro target smaller Windows only development teams. QVCS-Enterprise is a client-server application, is cross-platform, and is designed for use by distributed development teams via VPN, LAN and other communication means. Implemented in Java in a client-server model, the server can work as a windows services and be available on start up. The application Includes an easy to use GUI, a separate admin tool, an IDE integration .dll, and a custom Ant task to support scripting. The application can handle both text and binary files. Check in and check out of files are is easy as a click of a button. Files checked in or out or who made change on which files etc. is easy to see. Keywords inserted into source code or binary files helps auto documentation and audit trail. Revisions can be labeled so that, if necessary one could restore things back to an earlier release. Built-in visual compare tools lets you compare files to earlier revisions or compare revisions. Can display the revision history of the files in a project and allows the user to report the project revision history by a number of criteria, including check-in date, filename, locker, etc. Report generation is extensive and flexible. One can generate reports on all locked revisions, revisions locked by an individual, or set of individuals, revisions created after a release, revisions created by individuals or a group, revisions between two dates, revisions with a given label, or a combination of any of these. Allows the user to sort and filter the list of files that are displayed. File filtering allows the user to limit the set of files that operations are performed on. Files can be filtered by file extension, label, most recent revision date, etc. Includes integrated merge support.
It works with any machine with a 1.5 JVM available and is supported for Windows, Max OS X, Linux, and Solaris. On Windows platforms, integrate with IDEs that support Microsoft`s SCC API. This includes Microsoft`s VS 2005, VS 2003, VS 6.0, VB 6.0, Sybase`s PowerBuilder, and others.
Cons: No problematic issues apparent.
Overall: Well designed application, full of features this is good for at least 4 stars.
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